Saturday 21 January 2012

Sweeties II

1. The advert is effective in a way that it conveys all the messages it needs to. It is not the most memorable advert in the world but the added humour does make it slightly more appealing. The reference to working like a machine works as im sure the majority of adults watching it would be able to relate to that. Thus relate to the need for a break. Thus relate to the need for a kitkat.

2. I like the way it plays on the word "machine" and then conveys it in such an interesting way (man powered ball machine). I also like the simplicity of it. No unnecessary, flashy noise. Just a simple message that works well with their famous tagline.

3. Once again there is not much to dislike about this ad apart from its tedious repetition and slightly annoying popping sound.

4. I believe the target audience is for the more aged population. Between 20 and 60. Working adults. The advert stresses the frustration of working so hard and that they deserve a break. They can relate to this. "Machines" links in with labour and the workplace also reiterating the stress of work. From an art directors point of you the location has an impact too. It enables the ad to target the more sporty types who may need a break from their exercise and a kit kat is the perfect snack.

5. Once again it was the economic situation that troubled most people in 2009. We were at the true depths of the recession and jobs were being lost everyday. Working hard was at the forefront of everybody's lives. This taps into that feeling and communicates with them. Small things like the death of michael jackson that was linked to him working so hard also backed up this ad.


  1. I like the way you've brought attention to the way the advert plays on the word 'machine', this is a great example of that Leo Burnett quote "The secret of all effective originality in advertising is not the creation of new and tricky words and pictures, but one of putting familiar words and pictures into new relationships." This will be useful to keep in mind when generating ideas. Also, well done for mentioning the link between the 'hard work' aspect of the advert and the recession, it is important to look at adverts in context, in order to understand them better and be aware of what is going on in the world when you are creating your own work. Another relevant point is that the advert was aired in the summer that year, at the time that Wimbledon was on.

  2. i did not think of Wimbledon, good point, thanks.
