Wednesday 20 February 2013

The Gaze in advertising

The intra-diegetic gaze is used to create a communication within the advert, showing each character in a 'gaze' with one another. For example, if a romantic scene was required they would not have the models looking into the camera. A combination of their body language, and the fact that they are not gazing at us through the camera, results in the desired 'mood'.

The extra-diegetic gaze is one of the most predominantly used techniques in advertising. With the characters eyes looking directly into the camera (and therefore into your eyes) they can convey a much more personal message. It is used, mainly, in the aftershave and perfume industry as well as in charity promotions.

1 comment:

  1. Good appliation of theory to advertising practice. Perhaps in your essay you may consider links between theories and what they reveal about advertising e.g. identity, Panopticism and the gaze,
    regards, J
